Before I took a leap of faith and jumped aboard the health discovery train, I was a constant mix of unpleasant emotions: frustrated due to a lack of answers, anxious in search of possible causes, and confused about where and who to turn to. There is so much conflicting information out there, it can be incredibly overwhelming to sort through and process. All I can say is, just start. Start somewhere, anywhere, and learn as you go. Here I am, nine years later, and I am still discovering new aspects about my mind and body every day. It is my hope that by sharing my story and the amazing nutritionists/holistic health practitioners that I have worked with, anyone reading this in a similar situation can finally begin their own journey to health discovery and find the answers and relief they’ve been longing for. Say goodbye to all of those negative connotations of that dear ole’ gluten f-word, and say hello to happy bellies and elated hearts.
imaware™ Celiac Disease Test Review