BuenQamino Spirit
Musings about adventure and becoming
Day 32: Palas de Rey to Ribadiso aka Pulpo Fresco
Upon leaving our ´hotel,´we located a bar to have coffee and zummo OJ. It wasn´t raining until about 10 minutes into our trail. Having a cold, this really put a damper on things (no pun intended). Luckily we had stopped at a pharmacy were I was able to get some herbal medicine. I was also able to get a refill on my prescriptions I had on me. Why is the US Healthcare system as corrupt as it is? For example, I got 30 Tramadol tablets for 5 euros without a prescription or insurance. Must be nice, Europe. Must be real nice. Unfortunately, no Z-pack without a prescription.
Day 22: Hospital de Orbigo to Astorga aka Food Coma
Woke up decently early and had coffee and orange juice before heading out from our albergue. We both agreed that this was the second cleanest albergue we had stayed in thus far. The waitress, who’s also the hospedería (most do both) is really sweet but I was saddened to see her go outside to smoke more than once, being 7 months pregnant and all. I’m used to everyone smoking in Europe, but not as much as I have seen in Northern Spain.
Day 16: Fromista to Carrion de Los Condes aka RIP Taste Buds
Our abergue didn’t have breakfast. The owner says it’s because there aren’t as many pilgrims in the fall, so it’s not worth it for her. It was freezing out .. My phone read 30°. We stopped by a bar for coffee to get out of the cold, and because we needed some caffeine and calories. Today wasn’t too eventful. We stopped about 7 miles into a bar and bought some delicious ham and sheep's cheese (€5) that is from a local farm. The road was extremely rocky and give us both blisters. I know I keep saying this, but I’m over the roads being rocky and/or parallel to freeways. I want dirt, soil, mountainous terrain, not man made foot-killing paths.