BuenQamino Mind

Musings about mental well being

california, vipassana meditation Christina P. Kantzavelos california, vipassana meditation Christina P. Kantzavelos

9 Things I Learned From My Vipassana 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreat

“I was forever changed after my own Vipassana Retreat. In silently turning inward for over 10 days, I was able to learn more about myself, life, and the world than I ever previously imagined. I went ahead and asked others who also sat about their own experiences, and what profound information they received that aided in their own transformation during the retreat, and in life. Here is what we all learned during and from the retreat.”


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california, vipassana meditation Christina P. Kantzavelos california, vipassana meditation Christina P. Kantzavelos

Vipassana Day 3: The Wild vs Tame Elephant (a 12-day Journal of my Vipassana Silent Meditation Retreat Experience)

I woke up at 6 AM, to my own alarm. I clearly didn’t hear this morning’s gong. Oh well. I am extremely tired and dry, inside and out. I am hoping to manifest some rain, or at least humidity. Breakfast was breakfast, and I got a prime seat in front of the window, where I watched  the sunrise over the mountains. The manager asked for the tea bags she gave me back, because they apparently belonged to one of the servers. I happily returned them, unsteeped. I accidently put Tahiti sauce on my rice cakes, which was disgusting. FYI, S.N. Goenka says the reason why we do not eat a lot at night is because you apparently meditate better on an empty stomach. Interesting. After breakfast I did my usual walk, four rounds total, or one mile. This takes me around 20 minutes, depending on how slow I walk and also includes my stretching.

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