BuenQamino Body

Musings about nourishment of the physical

tips tricks recipes Christina P. Kantzavelos tips tricks recipes Christina P. Kantzavelos


As someone who cooks most of their meals at home, I depend on my freezer just as much as I do my fridge. And although I prefer to cook as often as possible with fresh ingredients, it is not always feasible. For example, when certain fruits and vegetables aren't in season and items such as gluten-free bread, tortillas, seafood, and meats can go bad without being frozen. There are days I genuinely don't have time to prepare an entire meal and when realities get in the way, I need a quick and healthy alternative. This is where frozen food comes to my rescue. Frozen food isn’t at the heart of my diet, however, it sure is helpful in my day-to-day life. 

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food and product reviews, popular posts Christina P. Kantzavelos food and product reviews, popular posts Christina P. Kantzavelos

Behind the Masks: A Guide to Personal Anti-Pollution Masks and Respirators, By Ariel Leigh

For a device that does much to obscure the face, anti-pollution masks (also called “courtesy masks” or “respirator masks") are rapidly gaining in mainstream visibility. In March of this year, Vox published an article with the headline: “As air pollution gets worse, a dystopian accessory is born.” In perfect synergy, research indicates that the incidence of allergic diseases (including asthma and mast cell) has also increased globally in most industrialized countries. Poor air quality is damaging no matter who you are, but moderate levels of air pollution, pollen or other airborne agents can be outright lethal to persons who are impacted by allergic diseases as well as immunocompromised persons.

(Note: there are other reasons that a person may choose to wear a mask; all intentions to preserve health are valid.)

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