BuenQamino Body

Musings about nourishment of the physical

tips tricks recipes Christina P. Kantzavelos tips tricks recipes Christina P. Kantzavelos


As someone who cooks most of their meals at home, I depend on my freezer just as much as I do my fridge. And although I prefer to cook as often as possible with fresh ingredients, it is not always feasible. For example, when certain fruits and vegetables aren't in season and items such as gluten-free bread, tortillas, seafood, and meats can go bad without being frozen. There are days I genuinely don't have time to prepare an entire meal and when realities get in the way, I need a quick and healthy alternative. This is where frozen food comes to my rescue. Frozen food isn’t at the heart of my diet, however, it sure is helpful in my day-to-day life. 

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