BuenQamino Body
Musings about nourishment of the physical
As someone who cooks most of their meals at home, I depend on my freezer just as much as I do my fridge. And although I prefer to cook as often as possible with fresh ingredients, it is not always feasible. For example, when certain fruits and vegetables aren't in season and items such as gluten-free bread, tortillas, seafood, and meats can go bad without being frozen. There are days I genuinely don't have time to prepare an entire meal and when realities get in the way, I need a quick and healthy alternative. This is where frozen food comes to my rescue. Frozen food isn’t at the heart of my diet, however, it sure is helpful in my day-to-day life.
Gluten-Free (and More!) in Orlando, Florida
Being a huge Disney and Harry Potter fan, I’ve had Walt Disney World and the
(Original) Wizarding World of Harry Potter on my bucket list for a long while. So, given the opportunity to join my partner for a tradeshow in Orlando, I didn’t hesitate (regardless of it being hurricane season). I was excited not only to visit the parks themselves, but to explore the theme park capital of the world, Orlando, Florida. Here is a list of our favorite spots inside and outside of the parks…
CELIAC, GLUTEN, DAIRY FREE TRAVEL GUIDE: How to Survive a trip with Celiac and Food Allergies, or Sensitivities
Traveling with food allergies is something that can be anxiety provoking. However, with the right tools and resources, it is not only doable, but extremely enjoyable. Here's how...