BuenQamino Body
Musings about nourishment of the physical
5 Health Benefits of Going Gluten-Free
As gluten-free products, restaurants, and restaurant menu options become more mainstream, many are curious about the gluten-free diet and its health benefits. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye which you generally found in bread, cereals, and grains. Those who avoid it generally have celiac disease (an autoimmune disorder) which makes up 1% of the population, gluten (wheat, barley, rye) allergy, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, due to adverse physical effects and reactions. There are also those with MTHFR mutations, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and other health challenges who the diet is indicated for. When a gluten-free diet is recommended by a health provider, there can be various benefits and relief associated, such as:
10 Places to Indulge in Gluten-Free Comfort Food in San Diego County
For those living with an autoimmune disease like Celiac or with a gluten sensitivity or intolerance, comfort food options can feel extremely limited. But here in San Diego, these ten restaurants are offering old-fashioned indulgences that are 100% gluten-free.